Over the years, I have captured more EVPs than any other type of evidence of the paranormal. Some are faint whispers barely audible to the human ear and others are crystal clear and loud. Many people don’t realize that the clarity and audibility can place an EVP into different categories or classifications. It’s is a grading system and is subject to what the person hears and how they interpret it. Here are general guidelines I use for EVP classifications along with examples of EVPs I have captured over the years.
Class A EVP
A “Class A EVP” is clear and distinct. It is loud enough that you can make out what is being said and usually does not require headphones.
Below are two examples of what I consider to be a “Class A EVP”.
The first was captured at Fort Mifflin in 2011 in the Torpedo Room.
The second was captured in 2012 at a church in New Jersey.
Class B EVP
A “Class B EVP” is distinct and loud however not everything is completely audible. It may require some amplification or filtering and use of headphones.
Captured in 2010 at the Union Cemetery, this “Class B EVP” is of a child-like voice behind myself and my fellow investigator, Dave. I classified it as a “Class B EVP” because although you can clearly hear someone, you can’t absolutely understand what it is being said.
This “Class B EVP” was captured in 2010 at Merchant & Drovers Tavern Museum.
Class C EVP
A “Class C EVP” is undecipherable or unintelligible. It is clear that the EVP is not created by a living person but you can not make out what is being said even with amplifying or filtering the message. Below is an example of what I consider to be a “Class C EVP”.
This EVP was captured Mansfield Cemetery in 2011. Note: This audio clip has been enhanced so that you can hear it.
Mansfield Cemetery EVP of Lady saying Come Child
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