I have been a member of my church since I was two. It was also the site of one of my first experiences with the paranormal. She is a young girl and around nine years old and wears a white Victorian nightgown. She resides in the first hallway as you enter the basement of the church.
Over the years, I was given her name, Cassandra. I was never afraid of her, I thought of her as my imaginary friend. I knew adults couldn’t see her. Even today, she is shy so only a few people have had the pleasure of interacting with her.
In 2010, I was granted permission by the Reverend to conduct an investigation in the church. This was my chance to go in and get definitive proof of things that I knew in my heart existed.
On August 14, 2010, with all my equipment checked and charged, I set out for the church with Dave, my skeptic. Upon our arrival, we walked around to map out the location and hot spots. It was during this walk thru that I caught two EVPs. One was not audible; the second was a man telling us to get out.
Around 7:30 Matt, our third investigator arrived. With a brief walk thru, we turned lights out to begin our investigation. We entered the first corridor in the basement. Dave and I sat one end and Matt moved down to the other end. Matt began to make contact with Cassandra. We were approximately ten minutes into the session when we heard Matt say hi to get a response. Much to our amazement, we heard a little girl’s voice respond back to him. For me this was immediate confirmation that she existed. Even Dave heard it and could not find a way to debunk it.
A few minutes later, Matt asked for confirmation that it was indeed Cassandra. To our surprise we heard her voice again. A short time later, Dave and I moved to the back end of the hall where Matt was. We continued our EVP session. I have several responses from Cassandra. There is even one where it sounds like Cassandra says my name, “(something in audible,) Cindy.” (Note: that when I was younger, I went by Cindy so this is how she would know me.)
I have added all of my EVPs to the evidence page so that you can review. Something else was captured during this session. I also captured two orbs with my night vision camcorder; however, the validity of them is being questioned because there was a fly in the hallway the night of the investigation. I have asked many people who investigate to share their opinions. Some people will tell you that the first is a bug and the second is an orb. Others will tell you the opposite. Some will say both are orbs; while others will say that both are bugs. I have added the clip to the evidence page so that you can see and judge for yourself.
(Note: All my evidence, both audio and visual, from my investigations can be found on the evidence page.)
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