If you are a sensitive and you have the chance to witness an ordination of someone into the priesthood, I highly recommend you take the opportunity. Several years ago, I had the pleasure of witnessing one and it provided me with a tremendous experience.
At the time I was attending church on a regular basis and found that during “Sunday Service” I felt a presence come into the church. I often thought of it as the Holy Spirit entering the church. I also found that this presence would become stringer during certain prayers and certain times of the year. So when I was given the honor of attending a person’s ordination, I knew it was going to be different but I wasn’t prepared for what happened.
During the ordination the Bishop and several priests consecrated the candidate by laying of their hands on him and speak a prayer. Once the service started, I felt something with a higher vibration had enter the church. During the consecration of the candidate, the air began changing even more as if a warm tropical breeze came and all the lights appeared to be brighter.
At this moment, a sense of peace came over me and I couldn’t help but smile and feel a love that surrounded everyone in the church. I believe that I witnessed the Holy Spirit enter and blessed the person taking his vows as a priest. I also believe that the Holy Spirit blessed all those who witnessed this.
It amazed me how a simple act and a prayer could create such an encounter. I know that I was blessed to have witnessed someone’s Ordination, but I was also blessed because I witnessed the power of the holy spirit first hand.
Lovely website! And lovely reading.