Every year, I review all the great places I have investigated and the evidence I have captured. I also choose and share my top favorites. In 2011, I had some really great EVPs so it was difficult to choose, however, I’ve managed to choose my top five favorite EVPs for 2011.
EVP 1 – Casemate 4, Fort Mifflin
Dave and I were investigating Casemate 4 where he had a personal experience where the light of a window was blocked by something. We quickly ruled out our shadows because I was not in the room nor was he moving. While trying to see what it could be, we were joined by some of the boys who were asking questions about our equipment. The following EVPs or Electronic Voice Phenomimums were captured during this conversation.
(Note: the audio has been enhanced. It is best to listen with headphones on.)
EVP 2 – Torpedo Room – Fort Mifflin
During the my May visit to For Mifflin, I also investigated the Torpedo Room. While there everything seemed to be quiet. However, once I reviewed the audio, I found the following EVP.
(Note: the audio has been enhanced. It is best to listen with headphones on.)
EVP 3 – By the Castner Family Tombstones – Mansfield Cemetery
My fellow investigators and I started the evening at the location of the Castner family, we started to ask questions about their lives and the day they were murdered. A small piece of grass was moving between the two right stones. There wasn’t a breeze around and it was just a single piece of grass which moved. As soon as Jasmine observed the movement had stopped, two of our recorders captured the following EVPs.
(Note: the audio has been enhanced. It is best to listen with headphones on.)
Mansfield Cemetery – Grass Stopped Moving 1 EVP
EVP 4 – Whistling – A Historic Warren Building
During an fundraiser investigation at a historical building in Warren County, I was on the first floor asking questions about the organ which is on display there. I captured an unexplained whistle which I did not hear during that evening. To add validity to this, I also captured this whistle on my video recorder.
(Note: the audio has been enhanced. It is best to listen with headphones on.)
EVP 5 – A Man Amongst Us – Merchant & Drovers Tavern Museum
The Merchant Drovers Tavern museum was four floors for us to investigate. On the fourth floor, we explored the room where all the period costumes were stored. My fellow investigator, Tom was the last to enter the room as I lead the way. He was telling us about a previous experience in the room. After he finished his story, I heard a male voice say something. You can also hear me reacting to it by asking Tom if he had just said something. He hadn’t. Upon review, another man’s voice was captured adding validity to the experience.
(Note: the audio has been enhanced. It is best to listen with headphones on.)
As the year comes to a close, I wish all of you a Happy and Safe New Year.
Here’s to great Paranormal Investigations in 2012!
How to find me!